Which Auto Program is the Most Popular for the IT-8500?

Although all the four auto programs featured with the Infinity IT-8500 are cutting edge programs with unbelievable relaxation, one program does seal the deal with a purchase once a customer experiences the Stretch/Extend program.


IT-8500 IT-8500


This program has you experience two states of zero gravity for inversion therapy. Throughout it's program you will experience a full body deep tissue massage, complete with multiple decompression stretches. This will help lower your heart rate, increase your blood circulation and decrease your blood pressure.

Tracey from Waller, Texas claims "The chair is AMAZING! I am a big fan of the preset relax mode, but my husband loves the stretching feature in the extend mode." 

Everyone can have their own favorite program, the relax program is great to unwind and relax your body and mind at the end of a long day.

From Cocoa, Florida, Patricia thinks "Every mode in this chair is great, but the stretch mode has helped relieve stress in my lower back." 

Share with us your favorite! Comment on this blog post or our facebook page and tell us which program is your favorite for your massage chair!

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