Let Us Take Care of You

Infinite Therapeutics wants you to experience luxury in all aspects of doing business not just when enjoying your massage. From product questions and purchases to technical-realted questions and more, we take pride in our customer service from end to end. We are here for you before your purchase and forever afterwards to help assist you with anything you may need from us. 


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Massage Reviews for the IT-9800

IT-9800: Talk of the town!

Our IT-9800 has customers raving, applauding the chair and its features as well as the customer service that comes with the chair forever! Praised for its luxurious appearance and more, the IT-9800 is a chair that is bound to wow the crowds!


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IT-8800: When was the last time you were amazed?

The Infinity™ IT-8800 is the ultimate chair. With the most advanced programming available coupled with a groundbreaking back massage mechanism the IT-8800 has all of the features and benefits as one of the most advanced chairs in the industry.

The incredibly advanced back mechanism first automatically scans your body to customize the massage for your frame and your pressure points, giving it the unqiue ability to target specific areas of your body.  Here is a recent review on the groundbreaking IT-8800.

“Hi Troy, thanks for the analysis on the chair. You are very correct that visually the 8200 and 8800 are almost identical. But the 8800 is not the same as the 8200. It has Infinity’s most advanced back mechanism available and is only sold through the company, either direct or at trade shows. The 8800 has advanced programming, audio and back mechanism over the 8500 or 8200 and is indeed the current best featured model available. I got this information from three different people, two at the Infinite Therapeutics company and one from an owner of a massage / back therapy company in Minnesota. After personally sitting in all three chairs, I can attest that the 8800 has a HUGELY noticeably different massage experience. Feels like real hands are working that back at times.Not sure how you might use this information, or if it will prompt you to dig a little deeper as I did after reading your review. I thought they were similar too, and was also confused why I could not see the 8800 being sold at any online massage chair dealer. By the way, the only way I was able to sit in the 8800 and get the demo was because the owner of the shop has it in his office, not on the floor. Yup, he paid for it direct from Infinity. (Betting he was able to score a better deal than you or I though” 

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Infinity IT-8800 Reviews

All the buzz at Infinity is surrounding the IT-8800. The reviews are pouring in with nothing but ecstatic customers, raving about the magic the IT-8800 does for their body! Arguably one of the greatest chairs on the market this innovative , cutting edge machine, the Infinity IT-8800, is designed to offer state of the art features and techniques that set it apart from the rest and the reviews make this claim undeniable! 

IT-8800 IT-8800

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Olympic Worthy Service

Sure the Olympics don't consider customer service a sport, but if they did, we are sure we would have 10's across the board! We believe customer service doesn't end with a sale but continues for as long as our customers need us! We are in the business to please and that is exactly what we will always do. Frank's testimonial attests our claim as an Olympic Gold in customer service! 

"Ian, I feel compelled to write to thank you, Tim, Tony, and whomever else had a role in helping me fix my IT-6900. At about four months old the chair experienced an unusual 'glitch' that I reported to your company. Your team listened to my evaluation of the issue and responded by quickly sending two components that could be at fault. I followed the directions that were with the parts and after a few minutes the chair was better than ever. I use my chair every morning to relieve discomfort caused by diabetic neuropathy, so I really appreciated your speedy response. The chair was within the warranty period so there was no cost to me. Thanks to all of you. I will recommend your company whenever I can for fair pricing and excellent customer support."  Frank M., Palm Bay, Florida.

Infinite Therapeutics 5 Star Team

Infinite Therapeutics 5 Star Team

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Got Snow?

How much snow have you had fall so far? How is all that shoveling on your back? Many locations throughout the US have encountered a lot of snow already and there is more to come, so don't underestimate the effects of shoveling this winter!
Not only does shoveling place tremendous stress on the heart, it places an unrealized amount of stress and strain on your back. People suffer every winter from everything from basic muscle fatigue and low back strain to verbal disc damage and even spinal fractures. 
With the proper remedy of a massage, you can enjoy a safe, healthy and fun winter. Some massage chairs are even equipped with lumbar heat to help prepare the muscles for a deeper tissue massage.
The power of massage is often overlooked as a cure next to pain medications and heat pads. Massage chairs not only relieve the pain but sooth it away. The power of a massage works out the problem areas unlike pain medications and heat pads. Next time you have to shovel this winter think about a massage afterwards in the comfort of your own home.
We can help you find the right chair for you and lead to a healthy, happy winter! 



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Anything Good Must be Fattening Right? WRONG!

Scientists now confirm what massage therapists have always known: massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss tool. By improving your body's resilience, aiding muscle nutrition and flexibility, and supporting your mental and emotional well-being, massage can take your weight-loss plan to a whole new level. 


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Happy Thanksgiving to All!


On behalf of Infinity Massage Chairs we would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and friends.  We're incredibly thankful for all our fans, customers & employees ,and as we enter into this holiday season we look forward to building relationships with more of you! Cheers! 



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Black Friday: Best Gift

Best Gift for the Holidays: Infinity Massage Chair

Why is a massage chair the best gift for the holidays? When thinking about the best gift for a loved one, you want a gift they can enjoy time and time again. That gift that keeps on giving. Each time they enjoy that gift, you will be the first thing that comes to mind. "What a great gift my husband gave me, What an amazing gift my best friend thought of, etc." A gift that has the capability of leaving that lasting impression over and over again is surely the one they can never forget. Every time they sit in that chair they will be rewarded with an incredible massage, a gift after gift after gift.


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