Reduce Stress and Anxiety While Increasing Productivity and Alertness
Research shows that massage re...
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Just as chiropractors are the champions of natural methods for treating problems with the spine, we at Infinity believe that one's everyday life can be improved by healthy and natural means. Infinity Massage Chairs are the perfect complement to your patients' chiropractic care by aiding with multiple conditions.
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Although they may not admit it, Dads need a break, too. Men can enjoy many benefits from regular massage, several of which we've listed in our latest infographic below. Check out how Dad could benefit from his very own massage chair:
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With golf season just around the corner, it's time to prepare before getting back out on the green. Did you know massage benefits golfers in many ways? This goes for everyone from weekend warriors to touring professionals!
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To celebrate National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, we are highlighting some of the main ways in which massage therapy can benefit those who suffer with this painful disease. There may not be a cure, but the pain can certainly be managed so that fibromyalgia patients can enjoy their everyday lives!
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When was the last time you had a full night (as in 8 consistent hours) of sleep? As we are probably all aware, chronic insomnia causes extreme fatigue and problems with concentration, and can negatively impact our mood and well-being.
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If you're looking for a quality massage chair to help with your chronic back pain, the Infinity IT-8500 is the chair for you! This Infinity Massage Chair boasts an advanced system that stretches and massages your spine and lumbar region to offer the ultimate relief. Watch our latest video to learn more about how it works!
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A breath of difference. If you are getting regular massages in your Infinity Massage Chair, but are still dealing with some tension and pain, perhaps you should try deep breathing techniques. Many already know that breathing deeply in general helps relaxation. Massage therapists often guide their clients toward diaphragmatic breathing during a session to complement their bodywork. But just how much of an influence does breathing have?
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